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Salaries (as of 9/30/2023)

Preferred Name Title CCH6 / Funding Unit Cost Center Position Group Salary /
Hourly Rate
Gates, Heather Writing and Editing Specialist 2 Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences CC12244 FAES | Marketing and Communications University $56,633.30 100%
Lukacsko, Amanda Manager 2, Marketing and Communications Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences CC12244 FAES | Marketing and Communications University $94,749.85 100%
Brown, Kimberly Graphic and Motion Design Specialist 3 Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences CC12244 FAES | Marketing and Communications University $69,917.33 100%
Bonnell, Greg Graphic and Motion Design Specialist 3 Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences CC12244 FAES | Marketing and Communications University $66,844.42 100%
Chamberlain, Kenneth Photographer 3 Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences CC12244 FAES | Marketing and Communications University $74,011.22 100%
Robinson, Tracy Turner Writing and Editing Specialist 2 Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences CC12244 FAES | Marketing and Communications University $67,451.04 100%
Whaley, Sherrie Media and Public Relations Specialist 2 Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences CC12244 FAES | Marketing and Communications University $68,812.19 100%
Moser, Mitch Manager 1, Social Media Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences CC12244 FAES | Marketing and Communications University $74,195.73 100%
Rice, John Manager 1, Videography Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences CC12244 FAES | Marketing and Communications University $77,195.33 100%
Olvis, Christopher Graphic and Motion Design Specialist 1 Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences CC12244 FAES | Marketing and Communications University $23.53 Hourly
Parise, Jaden Videographer 2 Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences CC12244 FAES | Marketing and Communications University $57,222.00 100%
Alloway, Laura Manager 4, Marketing and Communications Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences CC12244 FAES | Marketing and Communications University $140,000.00 100%

* About the Data

Amounts represent the salary or hourly rate on the “as of” date

  • Salary: the annual rate paid to salaried employees. The rate is reflective of the FTE. In order to get the full-time rate, you would divide the salary by the FTE.
  • Hourly Rate: The hourly pay rate paid to hourly employees. Hourly rates are indicated by the term “Hourly” showing up under FTE.